Dark Pool, 36x48 in, Acrylic on Canvas, 2021
NEW YORK, NY (USA) | Shanghai (China)
I am currently taking a very slow pace in this project. One of the reasons is that I am dedicated into building up the Li Tang community, and the other one is pretty straightforward, I would like to express what I have seen and been through during the age of pandemic. My perspectives of seeing things are changing, I feel.
Engaging with the Asian community and getting in touch with different inspirational Asian creatives is mind-blowing. I never thought there are so many talented minds out there, telling their own stories, in their own ways. As I am seeing more and more young talents shining from the community, the idea behind my work “How to Manufacture the Rain“ suddenly came back to me - I was questioning the manipulation and misinterpretation of information on social media, and presented an idea in this piece that if we keep having our own voices instead of remaining silent, our voices will eventually be heard, like little rain drops gathering into a pouring rain.
I guess that is a good way to let it rain.

Pouring Rain, Dimensions variable, Acrylic on canvas, 2024
Pouring Rain #21, 24x24 in, Acrylic on canvas, 2023
Pouring Rain #1, 12x36 in, Acrylic on canvas, 2022
Between, 12x36 in each, Acrylic on canvas, 2022
Sun Days Off, 12x12 in each, Acrylic on canvas, 2022
Make Rain Triptych, 10x10 in each, Acrylic on panel, 2021
Project Make Rain 造雨 showcases Webson's art practice starting from early 2021. In this project, Webson shares and explores his most recent experiences during his stay in the United States. His inspirations came from his early practice and the interaction with the Asian creative community.