A City to Wear 3.0 Group Show
The Research House for Asian Art, Chicago, IL
September 9 - 30, 2021
A CITY TO WEAR, a long-term exhibition project initiated by The Research House for Asian Art (RHAA), focuses on experimental paintings investigating exploratory methodologies, techniques, and approaches in paintings and drawings. The exhibition intends to provide a platform for young emerging artists to showcase his/her/their non-traditional paintings and drawings artworks that enrich the dialogue between each other.
This year, we selected 34 young artists for our 2021 edition of the show. We hope the artists could express their understanding and opinion about the self-identity and social environment through their works based on various cultural backgrounds and life experiences. Also, we look for one can use their way of expression to respond to the current happenings, especially what against the AAPI community, to explore the form and meaning of new paintings.
Selected Artists
Chenlin Cai, Chengliang Cai, Yi Chen, Ye Cheng, Yueming Geng, James Gu, Danju Guan, Ari Hong, Zichao Hu, Webson Ji, Yuyu Lai, Leiwei Li, Jianuo Li, Zhen Li, Nianzhang Liu, Xiaoyu Liu, Yuen Liu, Yuxi Lyu, Tiantian Ma, Zhong Peng, Woojin Shin, Nico Sun, Thuong Tran, Jingyi Wang, Keshi Wu, Shuying Wu, Qian Wu, Qiuyu Yao, Fan Ye, Xin Ye, Will Zeng, Yi Zhan, Wei Zhao, Yuqing Zhu
The Research House for Asian Art website: https://researchhouse.art
Life China Press: https://life.china.com/2021-09/22/content_73494.html
Sohu Press: https://www.sohu.com/a/491348884_120405304
Photo credit: The Research House for Asian Art